6. W.H.O. Jobs - careers.who.int
Careers in WHO World Health Organization
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Compliance and Risk Management Officer
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME The mission of the WHO Country Offices is to support the Governments and health authorities in strengthening health systems, addressing emergency and public health programmes, and supporting and promoting research for health.The incumbent has the responsibility for implementing compliance and risk management policies in the Country Offices. S/he will report directly to the WHO Head of Country Office with technical support from the Regional Compliance Office and He... -
Administrative Assistant (Grade G6), Nairobi, Kenya
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Protocol Assistant / Senior Driver (Grade G4) Nairobi, Kenya
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Roster of consultants - WHO Programme of Work on Promoting Equitable Global Heath Research and Rethinking Ethics Oversight
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Reproductive, Maternal & Neonatal Health Officer
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME Fournir des conseils et un soutien technique au pays pour l'elaboration, la mise en œuvre, le suivi et l'evaluation des politiques, des strategies et des plans visant a accroitre l'acces aux interventions fondees sur des donnees probantes afin de reduire les risques et d'ameliorer la sante globale et le bien-etre des femmes, nouveau-nees, des enfants et des adolescents en vue de la realisation de la couverture sanitaire universelle.Dans le cadre de la strategie mo... -
PURPOSE OF POSITION The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is the specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization. The objective of the IARC is to promote international collaboration in cancer research. The Epigenomics and Mechanisms Branch (EGM) conducts hypothesis-driven studies as well as data-driven mechanistic studies with a special emphasis aimed at advancing the understanding of cancer causation and the mechanisms of tumorigenesis and promoting internatio... -
Coordinator, Health Systems
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME L'un des principaux objectifs du Cadre d'action del'OMS pour le renforcement des systemes de sante est de promouvoir une comprehension commune de ce qu'est un systeme de sante et de ce que constitue le renforcement des systemes de sante. Il represente egalement une base pour venir en aide aux pays dans la mise en place de leurs systemes et services de sante,notamment en s'attaquant aux goulots d'etranglement d'une maniere concertee etcoordonnee, motives par le des... -
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Technical Officer (Epidemiology and Data Science)
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME The mission of WHO's Health Emergencies Programme (The Programme) is to build the capacity of Member States to manage health emergency risks and, when national capacities are overwhelmed, to lead and coordinate the international health response to contain outbreaks and to provide effective relief and recovery to affected populations.The Health Emergency Information and Risk Assessment (HIM) Unit is responsible for identifying new public health events, assessing ri... -
Programme & Administrative Officer
OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME The objectives of the Asia Pacific Centre for Environment and Health in the Western Pacific (ACE) are to: (1) generate scientific information, monitor trends and analyse evidence for advocacy, programmes, policies and action on health, environment and climate change; (2) assist Member States in developing policies to protect and promote health and well-being by adapting global norms and standards, building capacity and providing technical assistance; and (3) engag... -
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